2014년 6월 4일 수요일

[ 140605 ] How to Take Photos Effectively with Your Own Camera

140605. How to Take Photos Effectively with Your Own Camera

In the "Understanding of English Education" class, we have to make a mini class.
In 10 minutes, we have to prepare one mini class of art in several topics.

My topic was "How to Take Photos Effectively with Your Own Camera".
First, I prepared some teaching plan. I prepared what I have to do in what time.

Second, I logged into Youtube, and found two videos 
which are advertisements of NIKON D7000, and iPhone.

Finally, I made my powerpoint and some script.

In the real class in 3rd of June, I use Photoworks and Photoscape to teach how to revise photos.
I was little bit nervous with this class, but had a really good time to be a teacher,
although it was a 10-minute-class. :)

[ 140605 ] Application Review

140605. Application Review

(1)   사용한 장소 : 버스 안에서

(2)   사용한 시간 :  18
(3)   사용한 어플리케이션 : Wordlock

(4)   학습방법 : 단어별 학습 횟수를 1, 3, 5회로 설정해 학습할 수 있음.
틀린 단어를 3, 4, 5회로 설정해 반복해서 학습할 수 있음.

이 어플의 장점은 다른 어플 (Facebook, Instagram 등)을 실행할 떄 작동된다는 것.
어플 자체 학습이 아니라 다른 어플을 실행할 때 단어를 학습할 수 있게 하여
스마트폰을 자주 활용하는 사람들에게 매우 효과적임

(5)   별점과 이유 : ★
사용도 편리할 뿐더러, 영어를 계속해서 접할 수 있음.
물론 급한 알림이 오거나 할 때는 방해요소가 될 수 있지만, 쉽게 조작할 수 있고
자주 접할 수 있다는 점에서 5점.

2014년 5월 25일 일요일

[ 140526 ] Getting some interview in Gwanghwamun

140526. Getting Some Interview in Gwanghwamun

I had some interview with foreign people in Gwanghwamun for the assignment in English 1.

I interviewed with four people from England. They are one family and they came to Korea
for celebrating their family member's wedding ceremony held in Korea.

We talked about their job, and they all agreed on it is important to earn money.
However, David Coyle said that it is important to choose a job based on interest and major.

As James Coyle and David Coyle's is related to construction, I think they work together.
(One is builder, and the other is construction accountant)

In addition, our last question is about their dream, the bucket list.
Many people said that they want to go around the world, have some travel.
David Coyle said he wants to kill enemy whom he doens't like.

I think it was a really good time. In the first, it was kind of nervous, but as I talked and talked more,
it becomes natural and they helped me a lot understand their opinion.


[ 140526 ] Application Review

140526. Application Review

(1)   사용한 장소 : 공부를 하던 카페에서
(2)   사용한 시간 :  12
(3)   사용한 어플리케이션 : English Idioms Dictionary
(4)   학습방법 : 영어 공부를 하던 중 모르는 숙어와 표현이 생길 경우, A부터 알파벳순으로 정리된 카테고리에 들어가서 숙어의 의미를 찾을 수 있음. 관련되는 표현 또한 한번에 나와 훨씬 더 공부하기 용이함.

(5)   별점과 이유 : ★
사용이 편리함. 또한 알파벳순으로 정리되어 있고 실제 종이 사전처럼 비슷한 표현이 나열되어 있어 공부 효과가 더 좋을것으로 예상됨. 8000개 이상의 숙어가 정리된 만큼 그 정확성도 좋은 듯 해서 별 4개. 하지만, 모바일이라는 한계는 언제나 존재.

2014년 5월 22일 목요일

[ 140522 ] Using Some Tools in English Education

140522. Using Some Tools in English Education

Using some tools in English Education is quite related to ICT Learning.
However, we can use some essay, literature or music in English Learning.

Quite before, our English learning is based on book.
As time flew, it becomes to be based on Visual aids such as TV or Video.
Nowadays, we can use some music, SNS or all kinds of senses in English learning.

In the understanding of English class, we learned how to apply those things in education.
We become both a student and teacher. We discussed on some topics and really apply those things.

Yeah. the learning becomes more fun than before.
I can increase my English skill and do some fun activities at the same time.
I really want to apply this method in my tutoring class next week. :)

[ 140522 ] Application Review

140522. Application Review

(1)   사용한 장소 : 버스 내에서

(2)   사용한 시간 :  12

(3)   사용한 어플리케이션 : Notability

(4)   학습방법 : 이는 영어 교육을 직접 하는 어플은 아닌 심화활동용 어플임.
관련된 사진이나 기사를 스크랩 해 자신만의 노트를 만들어낼 수 있음.

자신의 영어 학습 활동을 정리하는 데 매우 효율적임. 

(5)   별점과 이유 : ★
iOS 어플 기준으로 이용이 매우 편리함. 간단한 노트를 만들 수 있고
기존 NIE 활동을 모바일 상에서 충분히 구현해 낼 수 있음.

또 사진을 통한 일기 학습 활동 등 다양한 활동을 할 수 있다는 점에서 훌륭함.
단, 이는 본래 영어학습을 주로 하는 어플이 아니라는 점. 심화활동용으로 활용을 해야한다는 점에서 만점이 아닌 4점.

2014년 5월 16일 금요일

[ 140516 ] No Easy Answer

140516. No Easy Answer
Yeah. It is kind of diffcult to decide whether to follow rules, justice or just to help friends.
I think we can usually help friends, if it doesn't surpass the limit.

2014년 5월 15일 목요일

[ 140515 ] English Debate and Narrative Presentation

140515. English Debate and Narrative Presentation

Today is teacher's day, and I have The Understanding of English and English Conversation class.
We did a English debate in the first class.

We talked about a lot of issues on English Education, such as First Language in Philippine,
exclusive schools, and English Immersion Program.
We didn't prepare for the English debate before, so it was quite difficult for me to make examples.
Also, it was hard for me to make my opinions objectively and clearly.

In the second class, English conversation class, we did a narrative speaking.
Many classmates presented about their love story, especially for girls.
However, our group talked about "death", the time that I almost died.

It was fun because the story is real, and we have to talk like in real situation.
Sometimes, I overacted, and sometimes I made my voice calm and horrible.
It was actually a good time to get ability on describing my story more effectively. 

[ 140515 ] Application Review

140515. Application Review

(1)   사용한 장소 : 지하철 내에서

(2)   사용한 시간 :  7

(3)   사용한 어플리케이션 : BBC News

(4)   학습방법 : 가장 있기 있는 (핫한) 뉴스와 함께 다양한 분야의 뉴스를 제공함.
분야별로 정리되어 있으며, 필요시 Notification을 이용해 실시간으로 뉴스를 받아 볼 수도 있음.
BBC 뉴스를 활용해 영어공부를 하고 싶을 때 언제든 들어가 Listening을 하고 복습할 수 있음.

(5)   별점과 이유 : ★
다소 어플이 복잡한 경향이 있음. 주제별로 분류는 되어 있으나 Search가 힘든 편이고,
자신이 원하는 뉴스의 제목을 알지 못하면 찾기 힘듬.

Key Words를 통해 검색을 할 수는 있지만 다소 힘든 편임.
하지만 영국의 발음을 들을 수 있고, 영어로 시사를 배운다는 점에서 일석이조 효과임. 

2014년 5월 8일 목요일

[ 140509 ] In-Class Activity : TED

140509. In-Class Activity : TED

The environment of lecture, or class didn't change. It is exactly same as in 14th century.
The lecturer, Peter Norvig, wanted to make the class more interactive.
He and his friend, Sebastian Thrun made online lecture site.
More than 160,000 people signed up to listen to their lecture about artificial intelligence.
It became global, and globally interactive.
Lecturer just made 2 to 6-minute short video and comprehension check-up.
Students feel like they are having tutoring in cafe with his or her smartest friend.
It is interactive web-based class, and one of the SMART education.
This will help many people broaden their knowledge, not just based on his or her major.
This kind of class should be made more and more to make versatile people.

[ 140508 ] What Is Your Dream?

140508. What Is Your Dream?

What is your dream? Most students cannot answer this question.
I visited Gwacheon Foreign Language High School, where I graduated, today.

I participated in English after school class of 3rd grade students, and had some presentation.
It is about "Dream". I always say that dreams must be verb, not noun.
We have to make our dreams exactly what I want to do, not what I want to be.

We write some English essay about it. ABOUT what I want to be.
This will help them set their goals, and divide that goals into plan.
They can set their objectives in monthly, or daily. Of course, they will meet their goals.

Dream is quite important in this age, I think. I have to help them set their needs and dreams.
Be the person you want to be, not the person you have to be :)


[ 140508 ] Application Review

140508. Application Review

(1)   사용한 장소 : 시내버스 내에서

(2)   사용한 시간 :  13

(3)   사용한 어플리케이션 : YOUTUBE

(4)   학습방법 : 원하는 동영상 (CNN NEWS나 TED Program)의 제목을 입력한 후 가장 적합한 영상을 찾아서 시청. 이 때 계정을 로그인하면 해당 채널을 구독하거나, 기록에 남길 수 있음.

(5)   별점과 이유 : ★
가장 많은 동영상을 공유하고 있는 사이트인 유투브의 공식 어플리캐이션. 일반 익스플로러 어플리캐이션 (사파리 등) 으로 서핑하는 것보다 원하는 동영상을 찾기에 적합하며, 추천 영상 등을 이용하기 편리했음. 하지만, 스마트폰의 고질적인 문제인 버퍼링 문제가 남아있음. (와이파이 연결 상태에 따라 동영상의 화질이 저하, 소리가 안 좋아지거나 아예 끊겨버릴 수도 있음)

2014년 5월 1일 목요일

[ 140502 ] Slide Share : In-class Activity

140501. My Digital Storytelling
< Topic >
Top 10 Air Crashes

< Key-Word >
air crash, air crash investigation, pilot-error, auto-pilot

< Summary >
There have been many air crash (accidents and incidents) that we should not forget.
The reasons of these crash include weather, pilot-error, malfunctioning of the aircraft,
maintenance error, error in manufacturing (especially in Mcdonnell Douglas DC-10)
The most shocking airplane crash was Japan Airlines Flight 123.
520 people died in that accident due to maintenance error by Boeing.

All these steps and problems solved after crashes. It is quite difficult for aviation industry
 to find problems before the crash, before many people die.


[ 140501 ] My Digital Storytelling

140501. My Digital Storytelling

< Video >

< Storyboard >

< Script >

Script 1
I was born in August 22nd of 1995. Unfortunately, I was really a weak boy. I didn't cry when I was born. I was immediately moved to incubator. I was suffering from lot of diseases in young age.
Script 2
Fortunately, I became healthier. I liked to go outside. I ate Ramyeon for the first time of my life when I was 5 years old. My mother and father really liked that time. I don't know why but they said that was my cutest time ever.
Script 3
When I was 7 years old, I was eager to learn a lot of thing. I was always curious. I liked to draw something, make something, or play the instruments. I participated in Christmas Eve festival in kindergarden, playing Christmas Carol.
Script 4
4th Grade of elementary school was my turning point. I met my most respected homeroom teacher. I participated in edu-expo 2005 held in KINTEX. I met a lot of people, learned a lot of things.
Script 5
After entering middle school, I joined an orchestra club. I learned how to play percussion. In the competition, our school won the first prize. By playing instruments, I became more extrovert.
Script 6
I got accepted to Gwacheon Foreign Language High School in 2011. My major was English and my minor was Japanese. I had a several good and bad things in my first grade life, but it was fun.
Script 7
I went school trip to Philippine. I visited Boy's town for volunteering service. Also, I went to coconut farm, and other famous places. In the winter of 2011, I visited Doshisha University to learn Japanese culture. I was really fascinated with the kindness of Japanese I met.
Script 8
My second grade life was kind of terrible. I usually got depressed, lost my dream, but I could get over it because my homeroom teacher and friends were always on the side of me and helped me.
Script 9
The third grade of high school was the best memory in my life. I got confused and was lethargic, but there were my friends. We depended on each other, and our friendship become stronger and stronger.
Script 10
What am I doing now? I go travel all around Korea using public transportation. Using mobile apps, I can go anywhere I want like Cheonan, Anseong, Busan or somewhere in Korea. I go to mountains, rivers, seas. I take photographs of it and upload on my blog. I sometimes write photo essay to express my idea, and get ideas from other people. Sometimes, I just write the information of tourist attraction. I am doing a project of connecting transportation into tourist attraction.
I meet several other people who are different from me in this kind of things I learn something new from them. Walk more slowly and slowly, meet a lot of people, and see a lot of things. This really helps me to think more abundantly. I can have many different perspectives.
My motto this year is "Go Slow and Feel Something New." If I move around a little bit slower, I believe I can feel the beautiful world more closely. Just leave, then wander. Move around and see the world next to you. The world near you is just awesome. 

2014년 4월 17일 목요일

[ 140416 ] The Ferry Disaster

140416. The Ferry Disaster

It's a total disaster. The Ferry disaster happened in the morning of 16th, April.
Almost three hundred people were missing. It is unknown whether they died or not.

There are some mysteries in the accident of Sewol.
This is what I read in Korea Herald.

According to the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, the Sewol took a sharp turn at 8:48 a.m.,
four minutes before the Coast Guard received the first report that
 the ship was experiencing problems. 

The ministry’s analysis of the ship’s monitoring system also 
showed that the Sewol then moved about 100 meters to the south.
 The vessel then drifted for about 70 minutes, moving about 
1,600 meters to where it later capsized.

Today, we talked about this accident in English Conversation Class.
We discussed the reason, the solution, and mystery of this accident.
Everyone seems depressed. Some acquaintances is quite directly related to this accident.

I just hope that everyone including the high school students survived.
"Miracles Happen for Those Who Believe."

And finally, RIP for those who were killed in the accident.
Rest In Peace.

2014.04.17 posted by. Hansol Jang

2014년 4월 10일 목요일

[ 140410 ] Learning SLA and First Language Acquisiiton

140410. Learning SLA and First Language Acquisition

This week, I learned the first and second language acquisition of English,
Especially, I researched the theory called “Innatism”, or “Universal Grammar”.

Language acquisition is composed of language acquisition in nature setting, 
and language acquisition in nurture input.

“Innatism” theory is based on nature setting.
The theory, which Nam Chomsky made in 1950s, insists that all babies have LAD(Language Acquisition Device). In this theory, all babies have at some least amount of basic Syntax. Chomsky called it “Universal Grammar”.

As I researched about L1 acquisition and L2 acquisition, I somehow understand how babies learn English (or other languages). I think that the language learning is combination of nurture and nature setting.

I want to know more about SLA and First language acquisition.

2014.04.10 posted byHansol Jang

[ 140410 ] Application Review

140410. Application Review

(1)   사용한 장소 : English 1 숙제 때 강남역 버거킹에서

(2)   사용한 시간 : 40

(3)   사용한 어플리케이션 : TED

(4)   학습방법과 느낀 점 : 일단 Education, Business 등 여러 카테고리별로 분류를 해 놓아 편리했음. Education을 골라 Rita Pierson의 강의를 들었는데, 자막도 제공되고 추가적인 영상도 볼 수 있어 매우 좋았음. 강의 또한, 일반적인 이론이 아닌 자신이 생각하는 것을 그대로 이야기하는 것이기에 색다른 내용을 들을 수 있음.

(5)   별점 : ★★☆

2014.04.10 posted byHansol Jang